Tummy Tuck Surgery by Best Plastic Surgeons in Delhi

tummy tuck surgery in Delhi

Obesity is no more a prosperity sign among people of different age group as it was considered before. It brings in a number of health issues, which include the Type II diabetes, high blood pressure and even a couple of health ailments. Also, with obesity your body shape is often seen going for a toss, thanks to the extra fat deposits found in your body. One of the ways of getting away from the extra amount of fat is through the procedure called Tummy Tuck. India has been calling global patients from different nations including New Zealand and Australia for the high quality and affordable healthcare solution. The tummy tuck surgery in India therefore comes as a ray of hope for the international patients from the said nations who plan the surgery with utmost vision and care. Time to dig in deep about the surgery and get the gist of the same:

What is Tummy Tuck Surgery?

Tummy Tuck Surgery in Delhi is also called as abdominoplasty, which is one of the common cosmetic surgical procedure that give birth to the smooth taut kind of abdomen with the help of removing excess amount of fat and skin over the abdominal area. This procedure also helps in making the abdominal muscles tight and thus removes the hanging skin along with cleaning stretch marks that come along with the pregnancy or weight loss. This procedure is more popular among the women, which is very much common cosmetic surgical choice for the modern day people.

Why Tummy Tuck Surgery?

When it comes to choosing tummy tuck surgery in India, there are several reasons for both the men and women, while few of the reasons are as under:
  • To fix the extreme amount of weight loss that lead sagging of skin
  • To get rid of the post pregnancy sagging skin
  • To address the scars and stretch marks that has come due to various reasons
  • To have the self-consciousness image regarding the appearance and people that are keen to have a flat stomach.
Tummy Tuck Surgery – Procedure & Recovery

The procedure starts with giving the patient general anesthesia followed by making incisions that runs horizontally over the public area. The surgeon then removes the required amount of skin that is seen facing the ribs. The muscles are then made tight along with checking up the belly button that is relocated in order to ensure it gets the natural look position. The Tummy tuck surgery is often carried out in alliance with another procedure called liposuction and thus it completes in not less than 3 to 4 hours. After the tummy tuck surgery in India, the patient is often seen experiencing lot many pain & discomfort. You can even experience some amount of bruising, swelling and numbness for a couple of days. Typically the patient can take around 6 to 8 weeks to recover after the surgery, while one can resume to work after two weeks. You need to avoid heave impact exercise for not less than 6 to 8 weeks.

Tummy Tuck Surgery in India

The tummy tuck surgery in Delhi promises high quality results, which remain par quality to the ones found in the developed nations. Top surgeons, world class hospitals and highly professional medical team sums up the medical treatment in India. The cost of the tummy tuck surgery in India is much less than the ones found in the developed nations; interestingly the quality remains par with the ones found in these countries. In this way, the global patients from countries like Australia and New Zealand get enough reasons to flock to this country. So what more one would anyone want for the healthcare services?

Get More Information About:

Get the look & confidence you’ve been looking for, Look you’ve always wanted……. If you are eyeing for a face lift procedure in, India, then visit our website www.besttummytuckindia.com  /  www.themedspa.us or fill our free consultation form online our representative will get back to you with complete details.



  1. Informative Read! A Tummy Tuck Surgery is a wonderful way to sculpt the figure and shape the body.


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